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Pinoy Voters' Vibe: Youth Edition Round 02 Results Narrative

In its second round, more than 20,000 students who are eligible to vote were able to take part in the Pinoy Voters’ Vibe: Youth Edition initiative--a non-partisan, youth-oriented, objective, insights-, and data-driven initiative of the Ateneo School of Government, through the Ateneo Policy Center and PARTICIPATE, that aims to collect and communicate the voice and vote of the Filipino youth. Among the 24,625 respondents, 7,402 are from NCR, 7,579 are from Balance Luzon, 6,067 are from Visayas, and 3,577 are from Mindanao.

In partnership with twenty-five (25) academic institutions from eighteen (18) unique cities/municipalities, a five-minute online survey was disseminated in varying schedules beginning August 23, 2021 until September 24, 2021. Out of the eighteen (18) unique cities/municipalities, fourteen (14) belonged to the top twenty-five (25) most vote-rich cities in the Philippines.

To get a summary of the Round 01 and Round 02 results, check out the presentation version below.

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